The penis penetrates the asshole and then they shit all over him.
Last night she gave me a banana mud slide because I donkey punched her.
When you use the jelly from a 600lb persons bed sores as anal lube to fuck your favorite cousin on their power chair
Hey Cheyenne, I can’t wait to try the Mississippi Mud Strip on my first cousin Jennifer. I’m gonna use the jelly from Chris’s bedsores.
the homosexual equivalent to a gynecologist
"oh Wesley i apear to be stuck in your mud valve!"
"Don't worry bruce, shuffle over and get the yellow pages and find the oncall mud valve engineer"
one or more quality poops, sometimes messy but not necessarily foul in stench
*Derek shitting in the bathroom*
Andrew- Derek, what the hell are you doing in there?!
Derek- shut up, I'm making some chocolate mud puppies here!
A little hippo from Guyana that was born from a male who mated with a female hippopotamus. Timothy is a scrumptious, muddy hippo with his nibbly nose, luscious lips and caramelized butt cheeks. He loves food especially fried chicken from KFC. He is smooth with the ladies and is a sweetmon.
Timothy the mud hippo loves his daddy tyrone.
Timothy the mud hippo watches the Simpsons all day long.
Timothy ate all of the fried rice and chowmein.
Flappy mud flaps is when a females vagina lips are so lose and the hang we can use them as mud flaps the flap in the wind
Those lips are so lose and flappy you could use them for 1 of 3 to things
1. Mud flaps
2. Blanket
3 a cape to fly away in the wind
4 flappy mud flaps
When you shit on a girls pussy and slap it down with your dick
Damn bro, last night I gave my girl a Cleveland mud slap