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When you’re riding in the back seat of a car between two women while simultaneously finger banging them both.

Matt: Luke’s forearms went numb while he was in the back of Ryan’s Beamer noodling Cori and Jo.

Lindsay: Ya he was pissed because they left snail trails all over the Corinthian Leather.

by RustyShacklfurd June 6, 2020


A term used in music where a musician is playing their instrument when they shouldn’t be, causing loud obnoxious sounds and annoyance in the band

Person 1: *noodling*

Person 2: “Person 1, stop noodling!”

by Connor Definitions January 11, 2024


A term used by musicians that refers to someone that is playing on their instrument when they’re not supposed to, causing disruption and annoyance in the band.

Person 1: *Noodling*

Person 2: “Ugh! I hate Person 1! He keeps noodling!”

by Connor Definitions January 18, 2024


When you are having sex with a man or woman with a non erect penis

I did so much coke last night I couldn't get a boner and I was noodling this chick in the ass

by Powerslave312 May 13, 2024


when you have sexual intercourse with someone while still flaccid/not erect. Noodling

Woman: “god i really want you inside me
Man: “you got it babycakes
Woman: “omg are you noodling me?!”
Man: “you got it, baby!”

by Br7dd January 17, 2021


where your noodles don't stick to your fork

jack: what are you doing?

jan: trying to it my noodles, but it keeps noodling

by noodlish July 20, 2017


The sexual act of sticking a body part in a nasty slut that may or may not smell fishy.

Hey last week at the mud bog I went noodling with Courtney and now my dick smells funky.

by Mark fuck a berg March 24, 2019