Source Code

urb word

A word or phrase that was not in existense until it was defined on Urban Dictionary.

Urb word is an urb word

by Rainchecker22 September 26, 2007

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The magic word

The phrase used my many parents to get their kids under control.

Mum: What’s the magic word?
Kid: *angel face* pleeeease
Mum: *gives boob*

by MrTextris <β€”YT February 1, 2021

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The F Word

Please, don’t say it!!!

Dude 1: β€œDON’T SAY THE F WORD”
Dude 2: β€œThe F Word”

by unfunny minecraft player February 5, 2020

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Word spitter

A preacher or a person that gives messages

Im a word spitter that’s just delivering a message from god.

by Majorfrazier June 22, 2020

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N Word

Don’t say it 😳

Example of what happens when a white guy says the N Word
White Man: N***a
Black Man: Run cracker

by Coogan_01 January 23, 2020

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word malpunction

When you think you've written a clever or funny pun on-line but:

a) it goes over like a lead balloon because it wasn't funny to begin with, or

b) the intended audience didn't "get it" or misconstrues the pun as something else so hackles rise, a flame war ensues, testosterone levels soar, war breaks out, nations topple, and the Earth is left a vast, barren, charred cinder with melted Anita Bryant CDs lying all over the place.

"Hey, Bob--I didn't know you were such a racist!"
"Whoa, doood--you know, racing motorcycles and cars. Racer. Racist. Get it?
"Oh. Well...FY, anyway."

(That is a case of a word malpunction (or just malpunction.))

by A21stCenturyMan November 7, 2009

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trolling word

an often meaningless word, or phrase, that is supposed to mislead.

some sarcastic phrases and expressions such as big nick diggers are perfect examples of a trolling word, often used in chat rooms as a censor-dodge

by Sexydimma January 7, 2015

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