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bone smashing

In the looksmaxxing community, you get a hammer or any hard object and smash the bone in your face to hopefully get the bone to heal in a more attractive way

Dude I’m so tired of having a big nose! I’m going to try bone smashing.

by pseudonym in deez nutz January 28, 2024

Bone Smashing

Hitting your jaw with a blunt object, such as a hemmar or a rock to improve the bones in your face to create a stronger jawline. Bone Smashing is usually associated with Look Maxing

Mogger: Your jawline is shit you should try bonesmashing Bone Smashing
Mogger: Then it's over for you

by Asekauppias January 15, 2024

Bone Smashing

A brainrot word referring to smashing your bones (usually the jaw) to make it become stronger or more defined

“Hey you should try bone smashing to get a chiseled jawline

by Brocktron May 25, 2024

Bone smashing

Bone smashing is the act of breaking your jaw bone to make the bone more defined to “mog the competition”

“Sorry shawty I can’t tonight I’ll be too busy bone smashing till 5 AM

by Cruz_taco March 5, 2024

Smash Phone

When someone says something gross through text or call. Just generally through the phone. Your reaction would be to immediately say smash phone

"look Ken sent me sext. Gosh smash phone."

by nixymushy April 22, 2020

rooster smashed

the state of which one is completely high and intoxicated. typically said in southern US.

Earl, I done got the stuff, let's get rooster smashed.

by ptwitchypyrate February 2, 2012

Oven Smash

The act of aggressively fucking an oven until your cock turns red

I love doing a good old fashioned oven smash

by BAKA BOY ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)UWU September 27, 2021