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When its foribbiden to say bastsard

Cheow wee is a busted to not see our juniors

by David97 February 4, 2021


Term used to describe an individual that is ugly, dirty, and dresses bad.

You:"That nigga swear he fine!"

Me:"Right?!? Fuck that! That nigga know he busted."

by JML18 October 23, 2009


Means something or someone is disgustingly Strong/owerpowered

Man, Valk is busted.

by Wytali September 23, 2019


Being extremely tired

I was so busted after partying I slept the entire day.

by AO11 March 2, 2015


A double-entendre meaning - to be busty (large-chested) - when something is overpowered

Nick: Woah, that girl is busted
Landen: I'd bust on that bust

by arceelol March 5, 2022


when you think you ain't lookin nice even though you probably have a mans.

"damn you lookin' fine as hell today baby"

"hell nah i look busted as fuck"

by outlawed- April 2, 2019


Very good at something .

Dang your kinda busted at civil engineering.

by ObjectivelyBetter November 10, 2021