a person that you want to have sex with or just date
dame I wish i could have sex with my crush
Someone who is either your friend or is someone you saw once across a hall, picking their nose. Yeah, that guy you saw lookin' hot and handsome is really some weirdo, failing all of his classes. And if it's your friend, let all of the god's help you because you ain't getting out of this one alive. Either you hold it in until they find someone else and you drop subtle hints on breaking up with them, or you tell them and they reject you, ultiminantly destroying your friendship. And good luck if your gay and they're not.
1. Person 1: I think I'm in love!
Person 2: With the guy that helped you pick up your books like a cliche movie?
Person 1: Yep
Person 2: You know he picks his noes, right? and he's failing all of his classes. and he's a nice guy
2. Person 1: 'doesn't tell a friend because they are a coward'
Person 2: 'Gets boyfriend'
Person 1: you should break up with them, you deserve so much better
3. Person 1: I like you! as a crush.
Person 2: I don't. you just made this extremely uncomfortable for me.
Person 1: well shit
a large crowd of people at one period of time. A mix of the word crowd & rush
Oh wow, we got here just in time to beat the crush of people in line!
To be stupidly in love with a nigga who you know will never like yo stupid ugly azz
I have a crush on you and every time I see u I go🤰🏽