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bucket of old lady fugarts

What your mother chows down on before taking you to bible camp.

"What's wrong with Mommy's lips, Daddy? Is it the bucket of old lady fugarts?"
"Shut up and pray harder you disappointing, ugly, fuck"

by ps i hate you August 17, 2008

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Big ol' Bucket of Arse

you kno when you are like walking down the street and you see sekai machache you are like mahn what a big ol' bucket of arse she is..... Or when she is like thinking she is kl telling you are a fuckface after you declare love thts bucket of arse territory right there. cos in reality she loves gavin FITZPATRICK more than anythin in the world.

Kai: Hey gav
Gav: man yr a big ol' bucket of arse.

by GAVIN N November 7, 2007

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Ten Gallons of Shit in a Five Gallon Bucket

When a particularly fat and ugly person wears clothes that are far too small, resulting in an overflow of fat and flesh spilling out of the clothes.

Gained some weight?! Hell, she looks like Ten Gallons of Shit in a Five Gallon Bucket!"

by Twitchyboy December 30, 2011

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As annoying as a thick piece of shit in a shallow bucket

an expression to tell how annoying somebody/something is, as much as something probably very messy.

The reference to a "thick piece of shit" and the fact it is no fitting for a "shallow bucket" probably comes from a real life experience most likely to have happened at the beginning of the 20th century and those before, when modern time toilets were nowhere to be seen in farmhouses and camping grounds of America.

Guy 1: I truly think you should not play with matches that close to the gaz tanks...

Guy2: shut up, you're as annoying as a thick piece of shit in a shallow bucket!!!

by Machinegun8arg April 3, 2008

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As soon as the bucket gets full they kick it over.

Describes a person's tendency towards self-sabotage. In essence, it describes a behavioural pattern where someone undermines their own progress or success just when things seem to be going exceptionally well for them they self-destruct and will often hurt those around them.

As soon as his business was going really well, a CEO needlessly chose to set up a competing business behind his business partners back discreetly asking all the clients to pay into it. He got caught red-handed and lost everything. This happened many times in his personal and professional life. As soon as the bucket gets full they kick it over.

by chennington August 14, 2023

Each day is just another shit in the bucket.

Description for a bad day or a few bad days (written by Kasey.H)

Ugh, today couldn't be worse. Its just each day is just another shit in the bucket.

by Jubjub11k February 18, 2022

Mud bucket

A woman or girl that is sometimes referred to as a THOT, or trick used only for a one night stand or multiple nights but never given an actual tittle or claim.

I use to mess around with this mud bucket that was like a door knob. Everyone had a turn.

by T1T0 November 6, 2015