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dirty scene boys

scene boys that tend to kiss each other whilst makeing a fun show for everyone to enjoy.

hey come watch us make out were going to rub our liprings together and be dirty scene boys!

by M\agical.Unicorn August 12, 2006

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scene kid

a scene kid is an emo-emotional punk

that girl is a total scene kid

by blates-emosexual October 23, 2007

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Crime Scene Action

Sexual activity during her period.

friend: How was your date last night?

you: Good, except there was crime scene action

by Tat2Lily January 15, 2009

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kidz of scene

a myspace group that's extremely hard to get in to.
you have to have thousands of friends
you have to be amazingly beautiful
and it's reserved for the scene royalty

very hard to get into

girl 1: OMFG i didnt get into kidz of scene
girl 2: well obviously you're not good enough
girl 1: *cries*

by aesthetic anatomy November 12, 2007

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dust scene

popularized by dragonball z when someone gets energy raped and for 10 minutes you see dust. cue the bad guy coming out unharmed and the heroes acting like they didn't know he was still alive.

see also: buu's regeneration

tommy took a huge shit and the smell was like a dust scene

by Phil January 28, 2005

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scene kid

The emo kids, that haven't come to the realization yet that they're emo.

"Hey, you're so emo", "No I'm not, I'm a scene kid", "Whatever, same thing."

by lcousins April 26, 2010

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Scene kid

A scene kid is someone who basically looks like your stereotypical emo with tight jeans, black hair, etc... even though this is not neccisarily the TRUE description of emo.

Scene kids usually reckon theyre pretty hardcore and 'don't get into fights' they just throw a few punches and think theyre freaking awesome / badass.

Also, they do their hair themselves (cutting and dying), have loads of xxx's in their myspace names (which is checked every 20 mins and its upsetting if no one has commented since the last time they checked), many scene kids permanently draw some kind of black tatoo on their hand constantly in sharpie marker (redraw every tweny mins), and are usually / stereotypically hated by real hardcore kids and goths, grebos, and possibly emo.

the differences between emo and scene are that scene kids generally think a bit too much of themselves, their eleventy-million photos and their colourful streaked hair... and emo think a bit too little of themselves, their lives and such.

many scene kids are also 'obsessed' with something that rules their lives like dinosaurs, cigarettes, sharpie markers, and pretty little girl bows in their hair (even the guys) :)

''hey dude look at that scene kids hair!''
''cool... she lookes like an emo to me...''
''no way man, does she LOOK depressed?''
''spose not, she'll probably beat me up lol''

by Kaylei Jayne August 11, 2009

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