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Nice blinker, asshole

A common Boston saying when driving, since no one in the city uses a blinker. This rude, yet common, driving behavior transcends all ages and gender.

"Nice blinker, asshole!" said the Bostonian as the yellow Subaru cut him off.

by Grant Rampus August 2, 2016

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bag full of assholes

Either something horrendously ugly, or horrendously foul smelling. Oregon, possibly West Virginia early to mid 20th century.

That dog looked smelled worse than a bag full of assholes

by Super Sutphin May 22, 2006

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Urban Dictionary Asshole

One who would maniacally or sadistically downvote any new entries on a daily basis, by clicking on the contributor’s username, even before they are publicly accessible under the search engine, or would have them deleted.

Since last December, some Urban Dictionary asshole has been downvoting every recently approved entries submitted by MathPlus a dozen times every dayβ€”it’s high time the Urban Dictionary squad look into this terrorist attack, by exposing the suspected Islamist or Trump perpetrator.

by MathPlus January 4, 2019

269πŸ‘ 352πŸ‘Ž

stupid asshole shit

A term that is even worse than "stupid asshole".

"Steve, you're a stupid asshole!"
"Yeah, well you're a stupid asshole shit!"

by Jorge14SD February 17, 2008

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A bag of smashed assholes

A Satchel of compressed ani.

I stopped in for a spot of tea but the place smelled like a satchel of compressed ani. You know, high society crap. AKA. a bag of smashed assholes.

by offcenter April 13, 2007

116πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž

Penis in my asshole

A reply to basically any circumstance that life has dealt you. Usage is normally followed by others near you repeating variations on the original statement. Also best used around homophobes.

"I just lost the game, penis in my asshole." says Guy 1
"No, penis in MY asshole" says Guy 2
"You're all wrong, penis in MY asshole." says Guy 3

by The Cancerous Goose May 5, 2015

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The Worlds Biggest Asshole

Denis Leary. He actually has a song in which he admits this.

"Cause I'm an asshole, the worlds biggest asshole" - Denis Leary

by phuquer April 27, 2011

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