dylan is so phucking hot. hes probs the most hot guy you will ever see.
did you see daddy dylan packing
Dylan is every girls dream guy. He is smart good at sports and is always there for you. You can tell him anything and he will listen. He will keep any secret you tell him and always has the best jokes that can make you laugh even when your crying. He is incredibly handsome and romantic and will do anything to make you happy. He is confident, and a great leader. He will talk to everyone but you are lucky if he is one of your close friends. He loves hanging out with big groups of friends but also he likes to hang out with friends one on one. If you have a Dylan in your life you are lucky!!
“Dylan is so nice I can’t wait to go to his party!”
The name that is also used as a adjective. There's no such thing that could describe a Dylan, he's cluless, different, can be cool and also a jerk. Dylan can be anything, but it will be always loved by everyone. Dylan is a pure entertainer.
"What that guy is doing?"
"Oh, that's Dylan."
"Oh my god, Dylan!"
Dylan's usually the type of nigga to to wear purple on St. Patrick's day or the type of nigga to get a chicken and a turkey mixed up but in all seriousness most Dylans are funny and social and at the same time emo and lonely. Dylans aren't normally the most athletic people but their still popular and hilarious for their since of humor and positive attitude but what makes most Dylans emo and lonely is when their at home by themselves with no one to talk to but themselves which causes them to turn emo it gothic (I mean just think of having nothing to do over spring break or Christmas break) but other than that Dylans are mostly picky, pale, extremely skinny, a little OCD, and emotional
friend: damn Dylan back at it again with the long ass hair
Dylan: yeah bruh I'm the emos n shit now
Friend: ya don't sound like one
Dylan: true •-•
Mates with Craig Senna. Good F1 driver
Lauren: Dylan has a small cock
Craig Senna: I know right
Someone who wants attention and has the symptoms a sociopath, and tourettes.
He pulled a Dylan when he spilled his choccy milk.
dylan is a person who try’s to act funny infront of his friends but on the inside he’s just a horny teenager who wants cuddles and kisses from his girlfriend. he also thinks that they are much taller than everyone when in reality they are literally 4”1. they are also very sexual
Girl 1- i really want a bf
Girl 2- i wouldn’t go for DYLAN cause one he’s taken and two he’s annoying af