Source Code

Legitly Ghetto

1. (n.) an impoverished, neglected, or otherwise disadvantaged residential area of a city, usually troubled by a disproportionately large amount of crime
2. (adj.) urban; of or relating to (inner) city life
3. (adj.) poor; of or relating to the poor life
4. (adj.) jury-rigged, improvised, or home-made (usually with extremely cheap or sub-standard components), yet still deserving of an odd sense of respect from ghetto dwellers and non-ghetto dwellers alike
5.all of the above but not fake,but for real

I'm ghetto, no your not you live in a two story house
I'm ghetto, i live in a box, that's legitly ghetto

by LoGaNkEaN, TrEmAiNeRoBiNsOn December 5, 2010

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ghetto hopper

An old beat car used for getting around in the ghetto. Usually a caprice, cutlass, or other large old cars.

Lets get in the Ghetto Hopper and hit the corner store.

by Flava Flaaa June 5, 2007

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Ghetto Sghetti

When one adds some type of ethnic food item to traditional spaghetti (i.e., hormel chili / beans)

"I made some bomb azz Ghetto Sghetti last night for dinner, it's my special sauce with a kick!"

by The Ghetto Cheff November 6, 2011

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Ghetto Nouveau

Upgrading cheap food as to feel better about being poor. Or,
Using whatever you have in your kitchen, such as: ketchup packets, soy packets, pizza cheese packets etc. to create a gourmet meal.

That's so Ghetto Nouveau.

by witchy-pooh January 6, 2011

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ghetto limp

Because blacks don't know how to shoot straight, a lot of them are hit in the legs. After recovering, they now often have a ghetto limp.

"Tyrone got a cap in a kneecap. Now he has a ghetto limp."

by Sooted December 20, 2016

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ghetto piece

Can be anything ghetto, but usually something that higher-class people can afford but broke themselves.

As I pointed to my locker, I exclaimed, "Look at this ghetto piece."

I pointed to the Reggin's doo-rag, and whispered to my friends, "Look at that Reggin's ghetto piece covering his afro."

"LEEEEEEEEEEEROY JENKINS!" That video is a ghetto piece.

by Leeroy Jenkins June 8, 2005

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ghetto blaster

1) n. a car stereo in an urban setting
2) n. slang for a rocket launcher disguised as a cheap boombox (see James Bond movies)
3) used as slang by whiteboys who want to sound like they haven't been in suburbia for all 16 years of their lives

Muh ghetta blaster can break windows across town wit it's bass - aww yea foo.

by Brian Kressin December 24, 2002

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