a very gay bts lover, dreams of having an orgie with bts.
hey did you see that jimmy, yeah that one who was moaning to bts
An overused name that people use in the plase of an unrelated character that needed a name
He is a person that is straight forward to one thing. No matter what someone says a different opinion his thought does not change.
Your god no one compares they are the best thing ever. A bunny so perfectly blue that you will love it
Person:I love jimmy god he is the blue bunny that everyone envies and loves
Jimmy , a man with a chin bigger than his cock, well known for having crusty sweetcorn smelling of Clewers arse hanging off it, calls himself the Hornet cos he likes to stick his his stinger in any old minger.
I stunk of shit this morning, I think Jimmy has Wiped his big chinny on me.