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Sgt Poblano's Lonely Hearts Club Band Burger

A special burger with poblano pepper

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Sgt Poblano's Lonely Hearts Club Band Burger, you should try it!"

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ November 17, 2018

58πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Pound my ass like a marching band drum

1. An expression one used to describe the feeling of always being fucked by every one and/or in every way other than intercourse.

I had to work 14 hours today then sit in 4 hours of traffic and got a fucking flat tire 3 hours from my house! Pound my ass like a marching band drum!

by Veddy Sick Man December 6, 2022

indian river high school marching band

best band in the state of delaware. big band with a big sound. directed by Marc Marvel otherwise known as santa or Marv. one big family. where everything is a sexual reference an taken the wrong way. you live in the band room more than you do at home, spend long nights practicing to get everything right, dedication to the fullest. wont meet another band like this one.

Have you seen the Indian river high school marching Band?

-how can you miss them? their huge! an loud! an lead by by santa clause! c'mon now!

by IR Band Nerd :P November 27, 2012

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stackin da g's till da rubber band pops

earning money until you've got too much.

yo homedog-sliceface peepsaroo-dog biscuit with butter and a little silanchero! im just stackin da g's till da rubber band pops at my new job!

by Mr. Moose aka justin July 11, 2008

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You know what band really sucks?


I can’t believe I once thought this band was cool. Today I realized that they actually suck. Why did I like this band? Their music is very boring.

You know what band really sucks?

by WorseThanHitler December 7, 2020

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

I'm so far behind I can't hear the band.

Describes a situation where one is woefully and comprehensively overdue with a task or work assignment. An older cliche presumably referring to a parade scenario lead by a marching band.

I'm never going to finish the page one graphic in time, I'm so far behind I can't hear the band.

by olde matey January 22, 2016

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band aids don't fix bullet holes

When someone has been shot and band aids aren't the solution to the problem.

MAN1 shoots MAN2.
MAN2 drops to the floor and dies.
MAN1: Oh no you poor baby. Need a band aid?
MAN1: Oh wait band aids don't fix bullet holes.
MAN1: Haha i'm clever and you're dead.
MAN1: Rip bish.

by Miss. AnonymousPuns September 29, 2017

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