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Bucket Shorts

A pair of shorts that may or may not exist in this reality. During an event that will remain undisclosed, a very boofed up man mentioned Bucket Shorts during conversation at the undisclosed event.

Conspiracies and other interesting theories have sparked due to the elusive bucket shorts.

To this day the existence of Bucket Shorts is still disputed. Many would like to discredit the said to be creator of Bucket Shorts. They claim that Bucket Shots are not real and that it’s all Bs, the man is on another plane of existence. Although likely the boofed up man’s critics are, there is no evidence to confirm or deny the existence of Bucket Shorts.

Hey bro u gonna wear your bucket hat with those bucket shorts? It’d be a good fit ngl.

by Šhørtśhôrtšãręßüß November 11, 2020

Bucket Shorts

A very rare type of shorts that may very well not actually exist.

They’re existence was only mentioned once by a very boofed up man that may or may not like to run a lot..... some say because of this man’s constant lifted state of mind he should be discredited but I can personally attest to this call because I was witness to the mention of these shorts and have not been provided sufficient evidence to confirm or deny that Bucket Shorts are real or not. To this day Bucket Shorts are a highly disputed topic.

You gonna wear your bucket hat with those bucket shorts? It’d be a good fit.

by Šhørtśhôrtšãręßüß November 11, 2020

Bucket Shorts

A very rare type of shorts that may very well not actually exist.

They’re existence was only mentioned once by a very boofed up man that may or may not like to run a lot..... some say because of this man’s constant lifted state of mind he should be discredited but I can personally attest to this call because I was witness to the mention of these shorts and have not been provided sufficient evidence to confirm or deny that Bucket Shorts are real or not. To this day Bucket Shorts are a highly disputed topic.

You gonna wear your bucket hat with those bucket shorts? It’d be a good fit.

by Šhørtśhôrtšãręßüß November 11, 2020

Purple Shorts

When someone takes your pants, and like guillotines them before taking a sharpee and purpling all that's left over.

Robespierre: Off with his pants!

Random ah dude: Aye, aye, sir!

Robespierre: Now sharpee him!

*Random dude then colors in with purple sharpee to give him purple shorts*

by PizzaGuy2711 December 26, 2024

Worderr (short form: wrdr)

To reach the border of words, specially in a arguement. Can also be used as word limit.

Oh okay now its my worderr (short form: wrdr), i cant handle you anymore.
Stop it you are crossing the worderr.
I am not even at my worderr, I have more arguements.
Okay, I'll give you time to speak but you have wrdr 250.

by pseudopodeanameophobia March 7, 2023

Short shorts day

the day you wear shorts on a cold winter.
30. NOV

Oh here we go again... ITS SHORT SHORTS DAY

by Anonym215 November 29, 2021

Short hopp

tristana: W W

qiyanna: *DIES*

"lol watch this short hopp"

by söme swedish löser July 3, 2019