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nerd nesting

The act of an expectant parent who designs a website specifically for communicating the details of the birth to family and friends.

During pregnancy the act of preparing the nursery and the house in general is referred to as "nesting." This is generally done by the mother.

Nerd nesting, generally done by the father, is the preparation of a website to announce the birth of the baby.

by snakeroot October 20, 2010

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fucking nerd


"Spencer is a fucking nerd."

by fuckyouinspecific,spencer December 27, 2022

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nerd turding

verb; the act of snorting, sniffing, or sucking nerds out of another person's anus, ass crack, or general rectal area

i heard that jamal is a real freak he went to that girl's house the other day to go nerd turding

by peaches87 April 13, 2010

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Nerd Rage

A song that was created by the fake cartoon band Your Favorite Martian. Which had Puff-Puff Humbert, the main singer. Voiced by Ray William Johnson. And Benetar, The guitarist, pianist, AND singer. Who was voiced by Ray William Johnson in YFMTS and Jesse Cale in the songs.

I got that nerd rage
Nerd rage
I got that nerd rage
Nerd rage
Nerd-nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd-nerd nerd rage
Nerd-nerd rage
They say I nerd rage, I say they don't understand
Keep talkin' trash, bitch
I'ma have to ban you from my chat room
And I can hardly think
But I'ma have to slap Jar Jar Binks
And slam George Lucas' head in a car door
For far more than just ruining Star Wars
Stop re-mastering, you're making it worse
And for the love of god, Greedo didn't shoot first
And fuck Comic Sans and fuck low bandwidth
And never say Pluto ain't a planet, goddamnit
I'm readin' what you're saying on the message boards
Yes, I have too had sex before!

by Radin Happier October 29, 2022

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The Apex Nerd

The A-pex Nerd


The Apex Nerd is the deity of the Nerds. He reigns over all that follow him and has an extremely large influence in the dark corners and parental homes of kids over age thirty and fourty in the world. The Apex Nerd only comes to one in visions and dreams, yet those not worth ("the Outworlders," or simply not nerds) statis cannot see him.

Head for the hills! It's the Apex Nerd!

Praise the Nerd, the Nerd of all the Nerds, the One, the Apex Nerds. I hail to you, Nerd of Eternal Light! *cries*

by Ashur January 28, 2004

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(n) The faint to bright, shade-changing glow that is cast upon a person who is using a computer in the dark, typically associated with computer 'nerds'.

John: "Jim, can you turn down the brightness on that screen? The nerd-glow is disrupting our movie."

Jim: "Hold on, I almost beat this level"

by Neil@RateSavvy January 28, 2011

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Ghost nerd

In call of duty black ops, you can use the ability ghost to camp in the corner and get priceless rage.

Why you little ghost nerd camping in the corner. Go camp somewhere else for 2 second. Thats right, ghost are for NEEERDS!!!!

by A person who is just browsing November 11, 2015

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