Source Code

White Trash

Lakeshore C.I.

every person there (except a few)

by J.H. 03 July 21, 2003

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white trash female

A derogatory term typically used for southern and ignorant white women. The Traits of a white trash female include a bent towards chauvinism, racism, bigotry, conservatism, protestant Christianity & beliefs listens to country music, racism, race bashing, getting high, being drunk or always drinking beer no matter what time of day or night.

A White Trash Female also tends to be self-righteous, ignorant, lazy, illiterate and cheap always wanting a quick way out, skimming off the top or looking for a way to get over on people.

"That white trash female just asked for a discount on tampons because she said her period is half way over "

β€œDon’t worry about her she’s just a white trash female”

by Urbane Sophistication Ent December 31, 2018

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white trash nigga

Black suburban and/or rich kid that that speeks, dresses, acts like he is from the ghetto.

Look at that white trash nigga talkin' shit about how bad he's got it.

by Teksta April 19, 2005

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white trash mocha

A fake mocha drink made generally made from leftover coffee and either hot chocolate mix or powder mocha mix. The resulting drink tastes nothing like a legitimate mocha.

Mark: What the hell are you drinking?
Jason: There wasn't enough coffee in the pot for a whole cup so I added some hot chocolate powder to make a white trash mocha.

by Chetchez January 10, 2007

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alaskin trash can

taking a salt+ice bath, lighting yourself on fire and then having vicious intercourse.

Man: Me and Sally were having trouble in the bedroom, but since we tried the 'alaskin trash can', we feel young again!

by drinkbleachfaggot\ August 11, 2017

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Going through the trash

Looking at emails that you've already discarded into the trash can.

I thought I never recieved that email but after going through the trash I found I had actually deleted it by accident.

by Steven Schwebel April 4, 2008

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trash e-mail

A service hotmail offers that will filter some useful messages but that will never ever filter a spam.

Cool, I got a huge amount of spams in my mailbox and all the letters my boss sent me are in the trash e-mail folder! Thank you, Microsoft.

by onlinepokes March 23, 2007

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