A school filled with gang bangers, gays, and terrorists. Has had 3 school shooting threats in the last year, most teachers are either liberals or really chill. Lizards sometimes drag kids into the basements, counselors try to act like they care but they really don't nor do half the administration, the bathrooms always smell like shit there has been 30,000 dollars worth of damages in those bathrooms and kids are constantly vaping or smoking weed there are tranni bathrooms that are mainly used for sex, smoking, or taking the meanest shits. But besides that, its just normal high school, hard, annoying, long, and fun at times. And if your on the football team your pretty much going to have the american high school expierence of parties, lifting, teamwork, and hanging out with the bros.
Kid a: Oh you go to wilsonville high school!
Kid b: yes, sadly.
The school with the most nicotine addicted students in the U.S. Also home to boys with daddy's money jacked up trucks. Full of mullets and many whores.
I was down at Charles page high school and hit a juul from a hug with a mullet.
Portland High School located in Portland, MI is owned by Lansing Catholic High School in every sport
woah portland high school just got shit on by lansing catholic
AKA Flop Nation one of the dookie schools in the nation who once printed a shirt about beating a school then proceeded to lose the game.
L Alonso High School
something you don't want to fail
art school is fun for all including austrian painters
1. A college that focuses on visual arts instruction and preparing students for a career as a professional artist. Often these schools have different admissions requirements compared to traditional universities.
2. A K-12 school that prepares students both academically and artistically for college or a professional career in the arts. Often schools do not offer sports or athletics or traditional clubs, but instead meet the specific needs of their student body with visual or performance based art clubs and activities.
She needed a strong portfolio senior year for her dream art school.
He choose to attend an arts school for high school.
They were many teachers who worked professionally as artist at their arts school.
There were many more options for arts electives at arts school than a traditional high school.
A school located in Leitchfield, Kentucky. 90% of the school have county accents and 45% have probably done drugs. Full of brainless students from the ages of 11-15. GCMS is good at about 2 things and is basically nonexistent. According to studies, it is the whitest school you'll ever see.
Person A: I'm from Grayson County Middle School.
Person B: Who?