Specifically Sharpay Evans character on Disney Orignal movie High School Musical.
The unknown weak bitches in the back who always follow That hoe. Wtf kinda name is is Sharpay anyway.
One who believes everything they read including fake pandemics aka, the flu, see:Covid-19. The economic terrorism attack on The world perpetrated by left wing deep state and swallowed by the right wing.
Look at Bobby's bitch-bib! LMFAOO Buwa- bah-bah -bah join the sheep biotch!!
The relationship between two or more side bitches who are sleeping with the same taken man
His second side bitch just found out she has a side bitch-in-law
She said I made her shoot bitch syrup all the way across the room but it really just tasted like piss classic.
When kelly bitch steals your look
Kelly talks about me and now she came to work with my haircut and clips in her hair. Shmernabitch Shmerna-bitch
When a "Troll" has been beaten by another person, troll, or other individual and made into the blunt of the joke.
A: "Trump sucks!"
B: "That was the best you came up with? 'Trump sucks!'? I'd love to support your dislike of the guy, but your ignorant remark makes me disappointed that I may agree with your obvious troll. Get bitch trolled."
When you give a girl a mint before oral sex.
"Had to give Debbie that stinky bitch fix, couldn't stand the stench.."