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Dryfork Christian School

Dryfork christian school is a school that nobody knows about. it’s on dryfork road and has 120 students ranging from k-12 and the girls outnumber the boys 90 to 30. they have so little high schoolers that the 8-12 classes are put together. we had to split sights so now the 3-6 grades are right down the road. most people send their kids here so they don’t have to be “exposed to the bad in the world” but all we talk ab is the “bad in the world” so theirs no point in sending your kids here. we have to wear a lame uniform that is a baby blue collared shirt and navy pants or skirt for the girls.

Boy:”Hey, have you heard of Dryfork Christian School?” Girl:”No.”

by anonymoususer7313 April 6, 2022

Lakeview middle school

A school full of ratchet nic Fens and niggas who can’t jack and the school football team is buns and the bathrooms smell as if there was a sweaty cream pie.

“That niggas buns he must play for Lakeview Middle School!”

by Lethmot July 4, 2022

Amos Alonzo Stagg High School

Filled with tons of arabs who have no respect for anyone and fill the halls with garbage that comes out of there mouths...0 decency

Amos Alonzo Stagg High School has no diversity

by yezzzzzzzzziiirrr October 31, 2021

champe high school

an unproblematic school that is rivals with lightridge high school. they have all the hot boys and hot girls but a very bad sports team. if only it didnt look like a very ugly school.

"oh my gosh, see that cute guy over there? he must go to champe high school!"

by malbean January 8, 2022

After School Nap

The No.1 Recommended Cure for Burnout and fatigue

James: U haven't responded since school's out, wassup?

Caro: mbbb I was having an after school nap, I was SOOOOOO tired, like u wouldn't believe, and now, I feel live a downed a few red bulls, without the side effects.

James: thx, I might try that out some day.

by IronicÉire December 22, 2024

Bullis school

A school in Potomac Maryland, all students are stupid as shit and they all suck at sports. They want to be good at sports so they give athletic scholarships to everyone even Steven hawking. The education you get is the same as the education in the Congo. It also costs a fuck ton

Bullis school is full of sped kids

by IACeficianado February 11, 2022

Fowler Middle School

filled with unattractive people and a very, very handsome young man by the name of Mebo. This young man is a complete player. He gets all the girls and everyone is jealous of him. Did I mention that he is an exceptional basketball player?


by lil slatt February 24, 2022