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Bitch nigger trait

He's talked behind his friends back to the girls putting him down making up stuff to try to get the girls.

He's a weasel talking about his friends behind their back and lying to them ,og Bobby Johnson says hate hate hate,jealous is a bitch nigger trait

by Lmwaoelvis September 15, 2023

nom nom bitch

One of the most iconic group chats of all time. Many people have asked to been added however, it is a very exclusive friend group and you have to be friends with everyone in it before being added. The people included in this group chat include, Emily, Cameron, Valentina, Sofia, Wyatt, Ryan, Storm, and our newest inductee, Luke.

Hey, who are you texting and why are they blowing up your phone?

Oh it’s just my groupchat, nom nom bitch.

by Chaminade gals October 31, 2017

E.T. Bitches

Girls who have really close relationships with their parents therefore they phone home a lot. They may also enjoy riding in a basket attached to the front of a bicycle while covered in a white bed sheet.

Dude 1: Ey bruh where's Clarice?
Dude 2: She's on the phone with her Mom again.
Dude 1: Again? Damn she's one of them E.T. Bitches!

by Lucrative Burrito August 4, 2015

Bitch Ass Female

A using ass bitch that’s always in someone else's business, that can’t do shit for herself or anybody else and who stay with her hand out asking for money, knowing damn well she ain't never paying it back.

You ah bitch ass female for doing ol boy like that.

That bitch ass hoe still ain't paid me back!

by HoneyClichés May 1, 2023

bitched slapped

when someones being a bitch so they get slapped

Kelly: oh chloes standing on the stairs
Jen: she has FOMO
Amber: errr she needs bitched slapped

chloe:.... yous bully me

by marieex October 24, 2018

Pootie Bitch

The next step above just being a regular bitch. The king/queen of bitches. The most derogatory term so offensive that it causes people that overhear it to "poot" (fart).

That's it. You've pushed me too far! You sir, are a Pootie Bitch! *poots*

by Flay The Skin February 16, 2022

conner is a horny ass bitch

you heard me you bitch ass hoe. horny little fuck

man, conner is a horny ass bitch

by THE BIGGEST WHORE December 2, 2023