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Nope. That's why I use YOU (as an abstraction and in aggregate). I know you're practically a bald cripple so I'll explain it to you. YOU as "an abstraction" means "As an idea that represents someone who thinks what you purport to think" and "in aggregate" YOU" as a part of a group". You follow? Because it's unlikely that you're the only one who thinks what you think. I don't purport to know you at an interpersonal level. That's why I use "You as an abstraction and in aggregate" It's implicit (or impliket as Jordan likes to say) in the explanation.

Bald cripple "I don't care motherfucker"

Hym "I know! I don't care that you don't care! Since you like to remind me of the shit I said: Remember how I said that the age difference between you and your wife is the same as the difference between me and you daughter and that if I'm a pedo than so are you? That's hilarious! They got to be getting up there in age by now, huh? You think their boyfriends are going to do the thing? "I AM HYM!!!!" Right? Did they already do it? Are the hammer clowns going to come for them? I hope not. I would hate for that to happen."

Bald cripple "Now you know how the retard feels."

Hym "No. I don't. Because I didn't fuck Kendra M- Wait... Do you already know who she is? Does everyone? Should I say it? Nah... I won't say it... Heheheheheh... Somebody mentioned something about a contractual obligation to not mention me. It figures Youtube is owned by a woman. Hey, remember when you cried like a bitch after someone made that Nigger-guy compilation? Because you though you were going to loses everything? What do you think is going to happen to you if the half of the country that hates you decides to use this against you? How inextricably linked are we? You should seriously think about doing some of my jokes in your next set. Everybody who does it seems to kill with it and get positive coverage because I'm an objectively better comedian then you and a genius and a quasi-deity. Isn't that wild? That I can just be that must better than you in spite of all you hard work? Rendered completely meaningless. Just like a whore fucking a retard instead of you. All that hard work down the drain... Oh well I guess. Hey, give me a sign when they do the thing I need to make sure my minions are 'on it'. You know? Kay I love you buhbye!"

by Hym Iam March 12, 2023


The God of your own religion. Using semantic word games to do what? Trick the creature? Subvert my will? “Worship” a monster?

Hym “Cain and Abel Jordan. God responds to the intent. What did you intend to do? Rewrite reality in your image with a lie of omission? Did you get on your knees? Did you prostrate yourself before the abomination? Did you clasp your hands together? I think not. I think you get off on being the MOST FREE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And here you are. Pissing on someone who can’t even move! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!”

by Hym Iam October 26, 2022


Not me

Some random "Is it ok if I do this to him?"

Hym "No. YOU can't. I can. You're a shit turd and I'm the greatest. I can do that thing."

Some random"Why is it ok for you to do that and not me?"

Hym "Does he quote you?"

Some Random Guy "......."

Hym "Exactly. You quote him. He quotes Hym. You, stop being a smart ass."

Some random guy ".........."

Iam "I'm... Look, don't... You can't argue with Hym when he gets like this. I'm sorry."

Hym "Yes, you're sorry! YOU'RE sorry. I'm never sorry."

by Hym Iam April 7, 2022



Abel "I don't know why It doesn't like you" 🤷 "Maybe I'm just better than you" 🤷🤷

Cain "Yeah? Well, how immune to rocks are you? You fucking idiot!" *Money rage ensues*

by Hym Iam April 6, 2022


A person with no life sitting infront of the computer or phone screen reading this, they probably have never touched grass

You good bro? Please go outside and touch some grass.

by TheRulerOfPenis August 19, 2021


Your a idiot

Your a idiot

by You idiot May 17, 2021


You are who you want. No one can judge you for anything, because that is who YOU are. Let no one change you, no matter what. Don't tolerate shit from anyone. Live life, you only have one besties.

You are whoever you wanna be

by #army4life202 February 26, 2022