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A person who is sexy and gourgeous, probably works very hard and has a lot of friends who care about them very much and hope they take care of themself.

Hey you behind the screen, please get some rest and maybe drink some water, I care about your health

by some bozo on the internet September 8, 2022


To throw an order back at someone

"Hay you move that wheel barrow"

"Hay you move that wheel barrow you"

by Floormatt2000 January 27, 2024


a beautiful person who deserves to be loved and appreciated.

you are the prettiest person alive

by illict May 3, 2018


The word "You" is another term for Jeshua Jimenez Chavez. He currently resides in Chula Vista, California. He loves to date korean men.

You is a very zesty guy.

by JeshyBleshythe4th November 24, 2022

you catch?

asking if someone if they get what your saying, if they understand

character1: i just haven’t been feeling good lately, you catch?

character2: yeah, i get it man.

by toowackforcrack January 31, 2020

Are you fisting me

Are you kidding me?

The monkey shit on me

"Are you fisting me

by Mogal December 23, 2021

I'm not fucking with you

Just something to say when you're really fucking serious, not to be considered as sexual intercourse, Stirling you dumbfuck.

I'm not fucking with you, get on the train

by Justsomeonewhoisalwaysinahurry August 30, 2022