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Dillard high school

The type of school were the band sucks dick and they fuck in the band room and smock weed in class and suck girls titties in class they football team ass and they dance team suck hella dick

Dillard high school an nasty as fuck

by Cumonmyfacedaddy October 8, 2021

Plant city high school

This school is annoying bc if izaiah

Ion like plant city high school

by Ion like ppl September 12, 2021

Heartland Christian School

Heartland Christian School is a very gay school with gay children

“Have you guys seen the kids at Heartland Christian School?Those kids are very gay

by zeethegod December 19, 2021

Coon Rapids Middle School

a middle school filled with bops wannabe thugs and ugly fat bitches that think they cute anytime you walk in the bathroom its a nigga smoking in that bitch or engaging in other nefarious activities

nigga 1 - you hear about the nigga that brung a gun to coon rapids middle school

nigga 2 - which one?

by crmsnigga33 January 2, 2024

Discovery Middle School

A bunch of white rich kids who are assholes. they all win in every sport cause they’re parents put them in a rich club or team all their life. all they care about is cheer and football and all the girls are full of drama and they’re all bitches. And all the white guys think moaning is the funniest thing on earth…

Jason:(example) Yo what school do you go to bro??

Max:(example) discovery middle school!!

Jason:(example) oh so you’re a stuck up rich asshole?

by jus_thefacts July 9, 2022

Oxted school

Oxted school is a large school in Surrey, full of inbred discombobulated gremlins and boys who think there on badness constantly ( their not). Be careful if your caught in oxted any time after 3:15 as the backwards students infest the town gassing out oxted with there vapes. Russell’s sexy xxx

Do you like oxted school” “no.”

by Russelbond!! January 7, 2023

Richard lander school

Piss taking twats be ready for a Chinese teacher to lob a door wedge at you and do not wear white socks cos it makes the uniform look bad you will be getting a fucking spanking for that

Richard lander school twats

by Cocksucker06 October 10, 2021