The Wurtingers are very smart. They have a lot of lawyers who will save ur ass when u coked too much.
Also they all have really fat asses and are able to do the schreibers'switch all the time under any circumstances.
They have low tolarnce towards alc and are "einfach die beeeschten"
Although they don't have much in the front they do in the back trust me.
Girl 1: "Look at that FAT dump truck. WHOS THAT?"
Girl 2: That's Family Wurtinger he benches 100kg and can hip thrust u if u know what i mean"
A amazing family that loves and cares for each other and usually has at least one crazy person of them but they love each other and try to stay together and put family before anything.
The dobyns family is so sweet.
The term "GAMECUBian Family Reunion" essentially means orgy.
I can't wait to attend the GAMECUBian Family Reunion, and not bring protection.
Chain Families also known as Chxin Gang or CF is a group/gang in Fort Walton Beach , Florida
Yo bro you know Chain Families ? Yea bro they be in the low right ? Yea Bro they hood is the low.
Family who you never see or talk to but they still send you christmas cards. They will put 3 dollars in it . One for each sibling.
Cameron. : Man great grandma anne sent me a dollar for Christmas this year .
Kyle : yeah i know man she is on that go hard or go home gifting this year. (Sacasm)
Cameron : man Christmas family blows .
two people who have had sex with two different people in the same family
person 1: oh shoot you slept with riley? i slept with her brother!
person 2: you know what that means… we are eskimo family!!
It means to speed over potholes.
It comes from a joke in my city about this one road that has a lot of potholes and a high speed limit. But the road is ironically the main way to get to the hospital called Holy Family. Highway to Holy Family has claimed many lives.
Officer: okay so who is responsible for this accident?
Person: Not me, that other asshole was driving like Holy Family.