Someone who gets details for one event and if it doesn't sound fun enough, they ditch and do something that sounds more fun to them
An amusement park that is operational and up to safety standards, but has questionable ride operators and safety standards.
Guy 1: I went to six flags today, and the guy didn't close the gates when the ride started!
Guy 2: heh, guess they were pulling a Fun Spot
When your significant other has a dried vagina so you lick it to get it moisturised
We were getting ready but i had to perform a Krusty’s Fun House.
When a man stuffs his testifies into the Anus of another person
Toby confided to Scott that his favorite activity is to play bun wrapped fun nuggets
When you're in the brink of failure and that weird feeling where your emotions are going all over the place while adrenaline is pumping in your veins.
Guy 1: Oh my gosh how the fuck did I die there?!
Guy 2: Welcome to the Fun Zone bitch.