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Post-traumatic togetherness

The unity and love people have for individuals and groups that they may not have had without a shared tragedy. The drama and adversity bring unlikely groups together. Conservatives suddenly love liberals and vice versa, straight people love LGBT people, white people love black people and Latinos etc. mass shooting, terrorism, mass casualty, tragedy, trauma, death, gun, killings, law enforcement, first responders

The post-traumatic togetherness after the shooting was amazing. The love people showed each other gave me faith in humanity.

by joecoolthefool June 17, 2016

Post-Cum Workout

When you masturbate again right after cumming.

So bro i just got done with my Post-Cum Workout regime and i swear my arm is getting bigger by the day.

by PressF4inthechatwhileholdALT January 26, 2020

Post Tour Depression

The feeling you get after you arrive home after an extended tour with your band. The fact that you have to return to your day job and/or that the next few days/weeks are not planned out for you everyday and you have to plan to things to do on your own causes you to second guess every decision you've made about being in a band or doing music for a living.

Hey Lars are you happy to be back and not stuck in a van for weeks? No Cassandra I've got post tour depression

by StevenHawkingSchoolofDance August 22, 2017

Post Kimcert Depression

The feeling you have once you leave a Kim Dracula concert often one of sadness, longing, and depression.

Leaving the concert has given me post kimcert depression.

I miss seeing Kim in concert. I have pkd, post kimcert depression.

by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023

post-trip glow

The exuberant and upbeat feeling someone has following a vacation, typically of great length. Word is derived from the afterglow of sex.

Krista just got back from 6 weeks in Sydney - I cannot wait to hang out and vibe on her post-trip glow.

by spag2 January 27, 2010

Post-Binge Syndrome

Post-Binge Syndrome, AKA PBS, is when you finish Binging a series or seasons of a show then after you don’t know what to do with yourself. PBS causes a feeling of being lost and can last up to a week.

I just finished watching all of The Office, now I got Post-Binge Syndrome. I don’t know what to do. I feel lost

by AyyyeeeRon May 19, 2020

Post-closet Euphoria

A state of extreme and seemingly random happiness, excitement, and relief experienced after coming out as trans, gay, bi, pan, etc.

-Please note this is not an official term or anything, I made the phrase up to help explain to myself why I'm feeling this way. The experience is not made up, only the name for it.-

"Man, I've been feeling weirdly happy ever since I came out to my family"
"You must be having post-closet euphoria!"

by ScaryNarwhal January 28, 2018