When a company charges your credit card, often repeatedly, and after you have set a limit on how much you intended to spend with them, or cancelled the service, based on fine print without notifications.
My boostrapped startup almost got pushed into insolvency because of AWS and Linkedin's scumbag billing policies.
Dumb whit a small penis he is relly fat
Ville bille means that he is fat ande ugly
A brat bill is a way to wear the bill of your hat. It is worn with the normal bill being flat with the very end turned up like a ducks bill. The hat must also be cocked to the side about 1/2"
"say dog, does'nt my brat bill make me look gay?!?!?"
1. Million dollars.
2. Million of another currency consisting of printed banknotes (bills).
Marzipan! I won a mills bills!
The sexual act in which a woman puts two pringles in between her lips to make it look like she has a duck bill and the man will ejaculate into the duck bill and she eats the pringles with the seman.
My girlfriend and i performed a duck bill choke last night
A fake tanned, baked wanna be Ronnie from Jersey Shore looking guy who is still rocking a fohawk even though they are out of style. Beware of him for he doesn't pay rent and loves girls from U of I. Especially one's named Maritza.
Sincerely, Bad Boy Bill! Have a nice day!