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You like the person but that person don't know you like him/her.
-Feeling of love and admiration for someone, often someone you know you cannot have a relationship with.

"Eh, Tipah aku Crush kat Mamat." Says Minah To Tipah.

by Itu La Tu. June 30, 2020


Someone who is liked by someone especially if they are compatible

WOW i like ME#ia and i ship it thats a crush

by JJ_monster November 12, 2018


A person that can hurt your feelings and can break your heart once as you love her.

You're crush is an idiot.
You're crush is blind that he cannot see your fucking attitude.

by Pwediepie October 17, 2019


Person you notice who you have a slightly higher desire to either fuck or have a relationship with.

We're going to completely crush the enemy soccer team.

by ChipmunkWarrior September 17, 2022


A person you want but can't have.

I have a crush.

by anonymous1864 May 23, 2019


An unsure feeling for a person, when you just want to know more about them, when you think about them the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Some one you don't yet hate, not quite a friend, you just feel something more. You also are unsure and nervous around them because you know that they are noticing you. You have a unsure felling of love, but you dont know what to do about it. But the altime reason they call it a crush is when you're over them you care so little you would want to crush them with a monster truck, or if they break your heart you may want, or actually hit them with a bat. Also if all else fails you can ultimately just ignore them or at least look like a psychopath around them

I had a crush, now they're going to be crushed.
Awe...Caden is soo cute, i think i have a crush.

Sammy:Did you see the new forien exchange student, he's so hot.
Summer:Looks like some one has a crush coming on...
Sammy:I'll go get the monser truck...
Summer:Grab the bat to... I'm feeling lucky.

by Hey_u_know_it's_me_random June 2, 2018


a dmv slang word used to say "im going to fuck you up"

"on melvin ima crush u"
"get the fuck slim before i crush you"

by Drop37s July 28, 2022