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A gay white boy who is a cubs fan and does spoon jitsu

Guy:hey u wanna do something later??
Girl:fuck no ur a jacob

by itsthebear August 10, 2017


Jacob usually a really hot sexy guy who acts super tough but can be a real softy he is a fuck boy but he is always loyal. he has a big dick and is down to smash, he loves to flirt and is definitely a keeper if meet a jacob def get to know him and chances are you'll love him but he probablywon't ask you out so you need to take charge and ask that sexy beast out!

girl1: omg jacob is so freaking hot!
girl2: i know
girl1: i think he likes me but idk if he's gonna ask me out...
girl2: then ask him before another girl takes him
girl1: okay

by eat_my_pussy_please June 25, 2018



Jacob is such a bitch, like who names their kid Jacob???

by Chute mi November 29, 2021


“Jacob is among us

by Renyfeld November 24, 2021


A Jacob is a furry roleplayer who has violent tendencies and uses the Bible as an excuse for his actions. A Jacob is the type of person to repeatedly kick people under tables in the library after having a deep conversation about boundaries. Even though he's unbelievably weird everyone loves him and would throw hands with anyone who crossed him.

Person one : "This guy said he was going to stone me in the name of the Bible. He looks like he vapes."
Person two: "Oh that's Jacob."

by NotMcstabme May 3, 2023


The biggest bitch You'll ever meet. Not only that he's as fruity as a smoothie

Damn jacob was tryin grab my ass, that bitch as fruity as hell

by Jaxson the bitch You insulted January 14, 2020


jacob comes off as a sweet, nice guy, but then completely changes on you. he makes u fall for him but then crushes ur heart. he compliments u and talks to u for hours then u guys start liking each other. it’s great and things are going great. then he stops talking to u and completely ignores you making u question why he isn’t talking to u or if ur good enough. then he dumps u and tells u he never liked u. then u are completely broken and torn cause he never knew that u loved him. then after 8 months of u still not over him and crying every night, he texts u to say he loves u. u loved him too so u go back. same thing happens. this time, u are depressed but he doesn’t care. cause jacob never cared in the first place. he just wanted to see how pathetic u were.

jacob told u that u were worthless, ignorant, and no one would take u, but u still loved him and went back. that was ur mistake that broke u once again. jacob broke u again.

by nevertrustwhouthinkucan September 14, 2020