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An Uncle is usually your moms brother(s) or your dads brother(s), unless it’s a very close family friend that you like to call your Uncle even though that’d be very inadequate. Uncles are the scummiest people out there. They all suck and have a stick up their butt, whether that be because of their work profession, their muscles, or for just no reason in particular because they suck regardless. They are as boring as a rock too, it’s way too hard to create a bond with them so you’ll just give up on trying. Most uncles will have been mean to you when you were just a youngin’ as well, and that really won’t change a whole lot as you get older. And if you don’t believe me that Uncles are the worst kind of people out there- why is it that there’s a lot of cases of uncles raping their nephews/ nieces. Ha! Scummy.

“Ugh, my uncle was being such an asshole to me!!”

“Oh man, sorry to hear.”

“Yeah brother, I’m convinced all uncles suck!”

“Yeah you’re probably right bro because mine do too.”


by Poopoohahafunnybutt April 13, 2020


The brother of your Father.

"Hey look, its your uncle."

by YourDrunkkUnclee September 21, 2023


Pedo that shows up at the family reunion.

"Why is Uncle staring at my cheeks".

by November 4, 2020


A man with a very big basement and only cums on Christmas eve

My brother: Hey Uncle Randy
Uncle Randy: Go downstairs and bend over sweet cheeks.

by Oi cuntty November 21, 2019


In the context of video games, "Uncle" is a term for an individual who finds and releases previously unknown information about a video game through datamining and other sources. Commonly found in the sphere of gacha games, Uncles are valuable members of the community who release information to players prior to official announcements.

The rise of Uncles follows the rise in predatory practices in Free-To-Play games with optional purchases; as companies began to hold back information as much as possible to encourage spending, players had trouble managing their in-game resources due the surprising nature of content releases in these games and frequently turned to spending out-of budget for fear of missing something.

The use of "Uncle" is not meant as a gendered term, as Uncles typically keep their identities private due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of their work.

"I got all of this information from a helpful Uncle on Twitter who posted upcoming leaks for my favorite game! Now I can save my resources to plan ahead."

by April 13, 2021


Your parents brother whos job it is to constantly sexually harass you and rub you.

Look Jim there is an uncle over there. Let's hope he doesn't hurt you like last time he was horny

by Oaky dokey March 20, 2020


I don't know why everyone seems to think they rape us in our sleep because I have the coolest uncle ever.

He pretty much knows a bit of every popular language ever, plays a lot of instruments such as the flute, piano and clarinet.

He gave me 200 fucking dollars worth of presents on my birthday.

Person 1: your uncle will have non-consensual sex otherwise known as rape aka. having sex without the consent of your partner aka. iesjwgtoeswihgt

Person 2: what.

Person 3: ok but what if i WANT my uncle to shove is big fat cock into my tiny ass

Person 4: Same

by whydoihavetodothisalloveragain February 25, 2022