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Bone saw

Like, when you in France and you want to say a nice little evening greeting you say Bone saw!

Bone saw, madam!

by faceon56 August 20, 2016

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Bone Creature

Anyone with less than 10% body fat. A person who is extremely angular. When you can see bone protruding from the rib, hip or collar bone area

Hey, did you see Kate Moss on the red carpet last night?

Yea, she has lost so much wieght she has become a bone creature.

Calista Flockheart is the ultimate bone creature.

by crazybitch789764342432 October 31, 2010

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bone clock

The total time you and your sexual partner did the deed

travis's bone clock time is roughly 2-3min while mikes's bone clock time is 1-2hours

by ralph+ronda October 12, 2010

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bone at the beach

When your wife cooks you up some good chicken nuggets and so she be like "bone at the beach

"Your chicken nuggets are ready hun, here you go, bone at the beach!"

by Fattyonce November 21, 2016

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Bone Broth

Bone Broth: The mix of leftover fluids after boning out, on the bed or whatever surface you got yo fuck on.

Breathing hard just after pulling out and blowing a load all over her:

Damn girl, my bed is soaked look at all that bone broth you're laying in.

by RChammer0409 July 13, 2020

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Cooter-bones are the small bones in your cooter!

Yes ladies let’s move them cooter-bones!

by Joshylol November 24, 2021

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bone drizzy

Bone drizzy basically means bone dry.

Me: Yo what's this weed saying?

Friend: Oh, this shit is drizzy!

Me: Drizzy enough to crumble?

Friend: Yeah bone drizzy!!

by Reeceg420 February 23, 2014

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