dylan is a boy that only wants cuddles and kisses from his girlfriend but pretends to be all hard and manly infront of his friends who his girlfriend hates. he may be horny many times a week but after a while you get used to it. he tries to be funny and sometimes succeeds but many times fail so just enlighten them and pretend they are funny. even though they are virgins they like sex and everything that surrounds it so be cautious when deciding to be friends or even speak to them. lastly they are annoying so don’t go near them.
girl 1- should i be friends with dylan?
girl 2- no because he’s annoying and a hormonal teenager that wanks many times a day
A massively inconsiderate arsehole with intolerable behaviour. He is that bitch in your group that you cannot stand. He is that one whore that you wished didn’t exist
Dylan is such a fucking whore I hate him
a general ass hole but good in his own way and has a massive penis but we wont go into detail on that and is generally quite when annoyed or angry
person:he's an asshole
another person:he's Dylan what do you expect
a daddy of the internet he is the most sexiest daddy to ever exist he does porno and the actors that act with him say he is a sex wizard
Epic, Pog and cool and super hot
Dylan is hot af
Literal definition of annoying. They think so highly of themselves and the only thing that matters is their grades. They suck at flirting which is partly the reason that they don't have a girlfriend. They have no social life. Like literally NOTHING. They want to go to Harvard or Princeton and be the school's valedictorian. Big dreams for such a pathetic person.
Person 1: I heard that Dylan's trying to shoot his shot with Grace.
Person 2: That's pathetic.
Person 3: I know right, I wanna film his ass getting rejected.
Person 4: This is gonna go viral!
Dylan, is the most amazing man in the world, if you ever have a Dylan keep him close, he will be there at your every need, he won't disappoint you at all, he is a great best friend but a better boyfriend, the best person you will meet is a Dylan.
Hey is that Dylan..... Ya he's the best boyfriend.