Reeeeeee I hate how people actually explains IT insted of meming IT
I hate you
je te déteste
ich hasse dich
ti odio
I hate you
je te déteste
ich hasse dich
ti odio
I hate you for locking me in a room
This is mostly used by fan-girls, censored content creators, ect
Stop hating on me! This sentence is dumb people are gonna hate you if your bad, of course, sometimes it’s not rare to see 10-11y-olds hating on popular animators, furrys, great art creators, ect
Bad person definition
???: bro stfu cringey ass 10y-old
Bad person: Stop hating on me!
Good person definition
???: LMAO that’s dumb kiddo
Good person: Stop hating on me! Please I’m trying my best
on november 27th, along with beat a furry day, there is also hate fuck your ex-friend day. right after you participate in beat a furry day, you have to participate in hate fuck your ex-friend day that night.
Brodie: We're going to participate in Hate Fuck your Ex-friend day... TONIGHT!
Gavin: T-T-T-T-T-Tonight??
When you grind in a game you hate, usually complaining about how unfun the game is and grinding out of pure hatred
"Ugh I fucking hate this game!"
"Then why are you playing it for 10 hours a day?"
"I am hate grinding!"
Hym "Why do people hate Ayn Rand?"
A fucking retard "Because she says it's wrong for me to expect them to sacrifice their lives for I can harvest them for resources and organs for my kids! If I don't convert their lives into wealth and then funnel it up the hierarchy, I won't have any stuff! Or, worse, I won't have relatively better stuff!"