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A guy who decorates his room with monster energy

You “Kyle is the guy who rides dirt bikes”
Me “oh yeah, Kyle decorates his room with monster

by Farmer Nic May 7, 2019


A gay fag

Kyle likes boys.

by Tylerj0267 May 10, 2020


Kyle is the definition of a black hole of mountain dew and happiness. No positive thought feeling or game will escape his clutches as he laughs at your foolishness. He likes writing edgy poetry and making stories that are always depressing. He has a close group of friends and requires an infinite source of sunshine Aka happiness to keep him of the back of others. HE DON'T LIKE FORTNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nathan: Stop being such a Kyle Jason.
Kyle: Well at least I'm not a Nathan.
Nathan: Shut the flip up.

by Krygenic freezing November 7, 2019


The guy who always has a monster on hand. Probably find him punching holes into walls or spending money of dumb things like dirt bikes. Very athletic and handsome!

Man 1: Hey who’s truck broke down on the side of the road?
Man 2: definitely a guy named kyle

by Kdisgd4 October 21, 2024


Mostly the persom drinking Monster, wearing sandals (usually without socks), wears shades that seams to be too small for their head. Loves wearing only undershirt, shorts, and watches. They usually bathe themselves in body sprays and think women love the smell. Burps in front of everyone and probably has a son named Justin.

A Kyle on its natural habitat. Run!

by jellymcdelly May 25, 2022


Mostly the persom drinking Monster, wearing sandals (usually without socks), wears shades that seams to be too small for their head. Loves wearing only undershirt, shorts, and watches. They usually bathe themselves in body sprays and think women love the smell. Burps in front of everyone and probably has a son named Justin.

A Kyle on its natural habitat. Run!

by jellymcdelly May 25, 2022


Kyle is one of the most basic white names the world has to Offer, as well as a very douche name. There is a lot of nice Kyle's but I am basing this on stereotypes so don't take offense if your name is Kyle.

Kyle stole my girl last night , what a douche.

by Phillips ammonia July 8, 2019