A pretty good software that will make the green owl very very angry if you use.
Green owl: It's time to do your Spanish lessons!
You: No thanks I'm using Rosetta Stone.
Green owl: Don't fall asleep
Using a dab tool to "rake" hash rocks on the banger of a dab rig.
Bro let's go rake stones at my place.
Your gem stone name is the first 3 letters of your birth month, the second letter of your first name, the 3 first letters of your mother's name and lastly add the letters i t e to the end and thats your gem stone name
"Hey whats your gem stone name. Mine is Deceariite
A Flinch Stone is someone who usualy flinched whe something is coming towards them. They will try to block their face or what ever part is trying to be hit in a quick, cowardly way. The name is a play on words and is supposed to sound like the Flint Stones, like the old cartoon. If someone flinched a lot you can say "how many flinch stone gummies did you eat today!?". (The gummies part is like flint stone vitamins.)
Person 1: Pretends to hit person 2*
Person 2: Flinches*
Person 1: "Ahhh, flinch stones right here! How may flinch stone vitamins did you take today?"