Ham Wireless : The Act of being Ham fisted while surfing Grumble media when one is on the loo with an Intel centrino wifi laptop(or similar).
See also : Ham fisted , Grumble
Jimmy P was caught Ham Wireless the other day by his mum, she thought he was struggling with his bowel movements but he was actually struggling with himself!!!!
Ham twins are the ass cheeks of a thicc woman. Its slang for the term booty or ass. It can be confusing to use in a sentence sometimes.
Damn, Kim got some nice ham twins.
Look at her sexy ham twins!
slang for a vagina or pussy, specifically one that is undesirable in nature
Damien, did you really tap that?
Ya, she got that ham casserole but my grandma taught me to finish my food.
When your back runs into your hamstrings because of the lack of ass. This is in reference to where your asshole should be if you had an ass (asshole). The equivalent of a kankle for your missing cheeks.
Mags, quit bending over! Your ham hole is showing! …..bro, where’d your ass go?
when u go ham on the daisies ur going wild and crazy
me: why r u eating so much?
you: im going ham on the daisies
Getting surprisingly blacked out when you didn’t plan to.
I got ham sandwiched last night, and I only asked for a grilled cheese.
When you are at Disney World and you are unsuccessful at riding a ride or finding an item.
I was on Ride of the Resistanceand got ham sandwiched, so they closed the ride