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Love is when that certain someone walks into the room, you automatically smile, no matter what mood you're in, or when you hear their voice or laugh, you know it's them without seeing their face. Its the electric feeling while kissing that special someone. Its loving someone more than life itself..wanting to spend every waking moment with them, do anything or nothing. When you can listen to their voice all day long and not get tired of it. You would do anything to spend even 10 minutes with them. When you feel like telling the whole entire world, that you are in love. This is what love is, and so much more.

Dude, I think I'm in love with Eric.

by supersav March 1, 2010

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The main concept of love is very crucial and important for everybody's life. Love is all about affection, care, and protection kind of emotion; someone feels about another person. The word love is hard to define as it involves many emotions, but this is a strong feeling for everybody.
Love is Commitment-
Being there for someone is what a real relationship needs. When we neglect to put in the effort is when things don't work out with someone that could have been perfect for us. If you put in that extra effort for someone that can reciprocate it, love can be the greatest feeling one can ever feel.
But Love can hurt sometimes, we all get caught up in the idea of loving and nobody see what it really is--.

You fall in love. They don’t. And you cannot do anything about it. You want to keep loving them but you know they can’t love you and that hurts. You know they can’t help it. But it still hurts.
As suddenly as you fall in love, you can fall out of it too. But you didn’t and he/she did. And now he/she is walking on, no pain to go through. And you’re sitting there, trying to still make some sense of all that happened.

Love.--- Love, Love,Love. And what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

by wish-you-knew.423 March 25, 2022

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The definition of love is when you meet a boy or girl and nothing else matters but that one person and you would no anything to keep them no matter what the circumstances. Dylan, I love you more then anything, no matter what.

Me: Wow, your amazing Dylan, I really love you.
Dylan: I love you, will you marry me?
Me: You know it dragon boy
Dylan: Forever and ever
Me: and ever and ever.

by dylanlover1313131313 May 24, 2011

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its liek cocaine; its gr8 at first but thn after a couple times it makes ur life a living hell.

"i thnk im in luv :)"
"haha sucks for u! love is evil"

by omglol21 December 11, 2011

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What people say they feel for another person but are too chicken shit to talk to that person because deep inside they don't love that person but only believe themselves to, but at the same time they love themselves more since they are engaging in self serving behaviour to protect their own feelings and pride. Real love places that person above one's own self. Any one who claims to love somebody but is too shy to reveal it doesn't know what love is.

Girl 1: I SO love that new guy in our class.
Girl 2: Go talk to him
Girl 1: Shit! No way!
Girl 2: Why not?
Girl 1: I'm too shy
Girl 2: You ain't in love girl, coz love knows no fear.

by johnnygoodygumdrops July 9, 2011

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A common parasitic bug that infects millions of people every day. Possibly one of the most life impacting diseases known, if successfully fought off by the immune system it releases a substance which in turn can cause multiple symptoms which include: saying "fuck my life" constantly, looking back at all your imperfections while infected and realizing how stupid you looked, assuming life will always suck. symptoms may become fatal if care is not taken to alleviate them. According to CDC the only known cure is time.

Jake (Post-infected human): "Life will never be the same, fuck me!"

Random girl nearby on cellphone: "Im so glad i fell in love with you steve!!"

Jake (Post-infected human): *finds handgun* "... "

by life hurts! May 9, 2010

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A four letter lie! <3

Guy: "I love you"
Girl: "Tell me the truth."

by TobiOctober August 4, 2009

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