There is literally no definition.. I'm just saying hi to the Urban Dictionary people.
Hi Urban Dictionary! :D
Fuck Off Mate
22đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž
exclamation for whenever someone invents a new word
A. Don't forget we are meeting for lunch?
B. You reminded me about that already! Are you paranoid that I'll forget? It's like... paranoid nagging! It's "paranoigging"!
A. Urban dictionary time!
Weird humanoid creatures that roam around making unfunny sex jokes. Legends say they live inside their parent's basement and haven't come out ever since they graduated highschool.
Urban Dictionary Users scare me, even if I am one myself
The advertisement for a mug for my cousin Timmy right this under this definition.
You know about Urban Dictionary Merchandise?
How can I not? It’s right below this sentence.
A group of people flooding the front page with God awful "joke" words based entirely on current events to get their word more infamy. At this moment in time, it's people flooding the front page with horrendous definitions aiming toward things like Brexit or Trump to throw a very ironic temper tantrum over the fact they didn't get the result they wanted.
"These Urban Dictionary Fagolas are turning this website into 9Gag's mentally handicapped cousin. I really have no idea why they're trying to get popularity from appealing to all 3 politically correct people on this website. Maybe they should stop. Damn those fagolas."
When your definition gets rejected from urban dictionary.
Johnny: Hey Billy, let's see how many likes your definition got today.
Billy: We can't. It got rejected.
Johnny: hahaha. Stupid Urban Dictionary Reject.
Billy: D:
Johnny: your mom is hot btw.
States that; for every term that is searched on Urban Dictionary, there will always be a vulgar definition that will state an act of sexual behavior.
Search 'Kool-Aid' and you'll see an example of the Urban Dictionary Law.