James Joseph William Rufs is a human
James Joseph William Rufs is a god at fortnite: battle royal
Jazmine Williams Is a talented girl, she and kind and beautiful
Jazmine williams is very good at English class
Jazmine is a very talented and beautiful girl the name is very pretty and has a little Sass to it
william paca middle school is where the students get called paca rats, we get told not to put food in lockers bc there will be bugs & cockroaches, people get into relationships even though we all know how it'll end, and teachers throw desks at students!!
Kid: hey, what school you go to ?
kid 2: i go to William paca, wbu?
kid: paca rat!! HAHA you guys are so ghetto
a nerd who likes to lick the inside of water bottles.
William PLeasants is smart as shit.
People named William heighway are seriously the cutest, most loving boys ever. They are beasts at hockey and are the best kissers. They are not tall, but not short and have amazing abs. They make peoples mouths DROP when they walk in a room. They always pick the most amazing girls. And they are HUGE Simps. You’ll know when you meet one cause they give off major BDE.
Person one: omg look at that guy, he’s a #rocket
Person two: yeah that’s William heighway