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Ascension School

The worlds most potent type of enema.

“I just can’t took an Ascension School”
Why the fuck would you go up to a random person on the street and tell them that?”

by HarambeLivesInOurHearts June 2, 2022

School relationship

When a couple only goes to each other house and attends the same school

Oh look at that school relationship you never see them out in public

by Cashier23 February 22, 2020

ember charter school

A dr ass school where ppl love muching on your top

"Ember charter school suck"

by I love booty 3000 March 28, 2023

Morris Knolls High School

No one knows how to spell correctly there! Their student section is trash same with their football team

Oh you go to Morris Knolls High School ,you must be a p****y

by September 14, 2022

Forest Hills high school

Apple bottom jeans boots with the fur, with the fur

Forest hills high school cool school also cool dudes

by Squid game November 5, 2021

Unity Secondary School

A school located in the west, the inside of the school is overall still okay but has little to no budget for anything, buying bottles and filling up with water and call it hand sanitizer, Most teachers are all guai lan especially the FCE ones and all the yp all in toilet vaping and minahs doing their tiktok dances ,the dm is kind but dont want to see his other side.

how unity secondary school is broke

by minahginayp September 25, 2022

rivesville middle school

a school full of assholes; teachers and students alike 🤞

i hate rivesville middle school and everyone in it

by meowcomeandgetitbaby November 23, 2023