It is to what every PEDOPHILE must do.
For punishment the MANDATORY SHIT MEME for each and every PEDOPHILE is the MANDATORY SHITEATER punishment and to GO IN DRY when necessary.
When your banging a chick, who didn't wipe her ass good after she took a massive dump .. and your saggy balls are smacking her dirty asshole while fucking her pussy ...this is when you get "shit-stained ballz".
Dam bro, becky needs to start wiping her ass after she takes a shit, I pounded her pussy last night ..and got a bad case of "shit-stained ballz"
To do something goofy that other people might find offensive
“I drew over a picture of the queen and turned it into the joker” - That’s some Louie Mcloon type shit.
“I made my fake ID name Quandale Dingle” - That’s some Louie Mcloon type shit.
When you do something goofy for the fun of it but it’s mildly offensive
“Hey I turned a drawing of the queen into the e joker” that’s some Louie Mcloon type shit
Anything that requires saying that you are busy.
Person 1: Yo P2 im doing some busy shit rn im learning the craft of skinnynomics
Person 2: Alright son thats some busy shit
The tremendous amount of intelligence from FECES as MARK ELLIOT ZUCKERBERG knew this so he patented the name FECESBOOK too.
Amazing the FACES ON FECES and they are there and so are their DEEP THINKING SHIT FOR BRAINS. and you will never know how complex the thoughts are