A Catholic elementary school in Toronto situated on the dish with one spoon covenant, It is located on 690 Carlaw.
I went to Holy Name Catholic School (NHCS).
When you can't find your classes (or your teacher is absent) so you relax in the hallways
Friend: I couldn't find my classes today!
Person: It must suck being school homeless!
The school for you if you enjoy spending 25,000 Dollars for a sub par education and liberal indoctrination.
O the land of the free and Louisville Collegiate School is the home of the gays.
There is already a definition for Waverley school and let me tell you that is correct they only care about your attendance "cOmE iN sChOoL eVeRy DaY rEaDy To lEaRn" WHAT DO WE FUCKING DO IF WE HAVE COVID
Waverley school is shit
this is a school of moist wasteman and wannabe roadmen. the supposed mandem walk around sagging but when they touch yard they pull it straight back up. The majority chat to ygs but they have a lot of vibe. the teachers are built madly and lack composure. The beanies in the sixth form are leng however the beanies that the rest of he mandem chat to aren’t pushing p
icl i go westcliff high school for boys
Always finds a way to out-retard the retard
Kid 1: Man, last night at prom, they didn’t put out enough seats AND they screwed up the assigned buses
Kid 2: Man, Lake Zurich High School really knows how to out retard the retard
A public high school in Preston, Melbourne that tries a bit too hard to be a private school.
Preston High School is balls.