A term popularized by the Denzel movie ‘Training Day’: The ‘punk’ part refers to an already whiny and/or weak individual, the ‘bitch made’ part refers to the way that he somehow became somebody’s bitch (usu. by being scared or kissing ass).
From Training Day: ‘You disloyal, fooled ass, bitch made punk.’
An extremely large load/quantity of something that is of significant value to the person describing it.
It is a hell of a lot bigger than ass load or shit load.
I just pwned you with a bitch load of points.
When you are trying to be nice but are low key pissed. This may include saying this word just to be nice but, secretly your not thankful.
“Here i brought you food!” “Thank you bitch.”
bitch solver means a bitch who solves things for people and that person doesn't like there help cause there bitches.
hey kanye west i love your music but your a bitch solver because when i see a bitch solver because you solve things for people who dont need your help i9i
When a person is built so unnaturally that they look like they have a pillow for a torso.
Girl wearing leggings that point out every roll: “You wanna fight?”
Me: “Nah, your body looks like it absorbs sound you pillow-bodied bitch!”
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A simp who gets kicked off the ABC's "The Bachelorette" on the first night.
I heard Hannah didn't give Brian a rose after the first night. Yeah, he's a biggity bitch.
When you are having sex with a woman that will let you do anything you want. Just like everything is unlocked in creative mode
“That bitch was freak, straight Minecraft creative mode bitch.”