A big shit
Where will you be and what will you be doing when a steeler shit strikes?
The shit you take after eating at Buffalo Wild Wings™
BRO #1:Bro next time we watch the game how about we go somewhere else.
BRO #2: why?
BRO #1: because eating all those wings gave me the buffalo shits
You’re two shits past a hen fox bro…
When something wack happens. Or when a hobo grabs ur face.
Omg, that hobo is doing wired shit.
When one is covered in shit and another person draws with it on the others body
Bro my girlfriend wants me to shit canvas her
One of two definitions that will prove BULL SHIT is not appropriate for HOMO SAPIENS as either BALL SHIT or BOWL SHIT.
Take two plastic (MADE IN CHINA BALLS, big , purchased usually at your chain stores. SHOVE THE BALL in your ASSHOLE (preferably GO IN DRY as it will burn and hurt quite a bit as that is PEDOPHILE PUNISHMENT but after letting the first BALL get lost as the second BALL will become easier naturally and slide right in.
Well I see your ANUS has adjusted as I heard this explosion and saw the results of your SHIT BALL CANNON as your ASSHOLE accepted that second BALL and the BALLS flew out about thirty feet second one and first one ten feet and left a TRAIL OF SHIT tracing the trajectory of the two BALLS , your SHIT BALL CANNON as ANAL ALAN'S ASSHOLE strikes again.
When you have to shit and someone is in the only stall for an absurd length of time
"Hey what took you so long"
"Oh i was shit camping, some fuckwad took the only stall"