Insinuating that someone must be preoccupied with something busy due to not replying or slow replying via text or email. They have also appeared to go MIA.
John had gone missing for a lengthy amount of time, so Nick messaged him to ask, “you with a bird?”.
A phrase uttered in an argument with a person who doesn’t actually want to have a discussion, but just wants to be right. This phrase is heard when Person A has said their piece and wants to end the “conversation” by telling Person B what they want to hear, that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. By stroking their ego, Person B will finally shut up and stop talking in circles. Of course, this phrase is almost always used disingenuously, so it usually just makes things worse.
"No, I know that you're wrong because of X and Y and Z. You just hate when people have different beliefs than you."
“Yup, sure. Whatever you say, man.”
talk to me if you like me im in my nikes yo ex is not talkin nicely he wanna fight me
The lines in the song are really contradictory. One after another they are kind of a rebuttal to each line. It’s kind of confusing I guess. It’s just about people and what they are expected to act like. - Kurt
Nirvana-Come As You Are
if you ever hear the question "whats your source?" just reply with that, its a meme refrence its funny trust me, plus its very helpful to use to make someone laugh
person 1: why dont you back it up with a source
person 1: why are you like this
Still a couple of fucking sissies though.
Hym "Hey, You and Magnus can eat a bag of dicks ok? Hey, middle finger to butthole4🖕 Oh wait, what!? I didn't see 'sit and spin' in 1! Ooooh man! Terrible stuff from me! Real amateur stuff from me there. Wow! Hold on. Let me calculate this quick. Takes takes takes... Middle finger HERE instead 🖕 And then... Nope... Nope. It's still just sit and spin... That's crazy."
Calling a girl a great person, someone that has your back . You are awesome
Ma'am you are a Dutch !!!