Meric Winnett/Xavier/Torin/Evan
Guy 1: That guy gets no bitches
Guy 2: Must be Meric/Xavier/Evan
Why does Discord user that goes by the user hoosk#7521 get no bitches? We shall never know the true answer to this, but atleast I know he will get no bitches.
When asked “ why do you get no bitches?” he responds angrily, so be careful guys!!!
A man who doesn't have the lady's
that guy got no bitches yo
Is a term to say, or describe someone who doesn't get women, or is a virgin.
Rayan, you have no bitches.
someone who has no bitches
damn you're so unattractive, you have no bitches
Do not get Girls.
You can also say hes/she is SOFT
Julian has no bitches.