Idk lol something like this 🥴
Or like awkward or confused
What? ;7
Taková ta věc, co ti občas protihráč bude spammovat nad tvoji mrtvolou,
může k tomu napsat EZ (v překladu do AJ - easy, do češtiny - jednoduché).
Nebo jak to Češi převzali od známého Youtubera Baxtrikse "IZI"
"Použil na mě svůj toxický chvat, žačal rapidně mačkat CTRL a 5, tím ukázal jeho Mastery 7, aby mi ukázal jeho zkušenosti s jeho šampiónem a dokázal mi, že je lepší než já a celý náš tým"
When a fat kid pretends he is depressed and throws himself out a window, failing to commit suicide
hew cuh didnt you hear cuh naw what is it cuh? didnt you hear that donquellington spent 7 days in europe cuh
A depression that Brooklyn gives you
Ugh u give me type 7 depression
Flushing local and rarely express that goes from 34 St-Hudson Yards in Manhattan to Flushing-Main Street in Queens. Has a total of 22 stations and it has an express train that rarely goes express even though it says "This is a Manhattan or Queens bound 7 express train." Its just another local train. It goes express from Queensboro Plaza to Junction Blvd, then from there to Mets-Willets Point during rush hour on weekdays. The ride is a smooth experience sometimes stopping in the middle of nowhere but the train ride is fun.
"There is a Manhattan bound local 7 train to 34 St-Hudson Yards, approaching the station, please stand away from the platform edge."
7th entry of Capcom's most renowned horror franchise Resident Evil. It is a love letter to classic and legendary horror movies like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1973) and Evil Dead (1981).
If you want to play survival horror video game that paid homage to Horror movies,It must be Resident Evil 7:Biohazard
An illustrious act of womanising, when a single (male) individual sleeps with seven different female individuals within a duration of 7days (one week)
"Mate, I did it, I have a mark of what looks to be a carpet burn and I might need to go to the clinic as soon as my plane lands , but I got 7 in 7 in Aiya Napa"