Devil is a primal Definition To a Name Personification of Not Lucifer Since its English Origin Instead From The christian Group Meaning Someone Named Satan Can Or Will Not Be Called Lucifer From So On To Be of their Remarks of Naming Their Explanation is of if your not english you can't call it anything else except devil connection to a racist term of being a Dick Bag meaning you must say devil if your english.
You Have to Fallow Definition Primal Of The Devil
A butthole.
Susan, wearing a short mini skirt, bent over too far, revealing the Devil's Wrinkled Doughnut.
dude check it out she just send me the devil emoji
she’s freaky
Someone with incredibly cold feet
Dominic had hooves of the devil and placed these on Lois' leg when he got into bed
The act of fellatio, performed by two mouths on the same penis.
The best head I ever got was from Carrie and Blair. Those two were playing the Devil's harmonica!
Sonja looks so high. I suspect that she's been smoking that devil's lettuce.
Something a new weed dealer says to try and get some street cred
Something a teenager calls weed to look cool
What the Devil grows in his backyard
YO! Dude I caught my dad smoking some Devils Lettuce