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You Ain't Got No Pancake Mix

Absurd, stream-of-consciousness phrase used by Zach Galifianakis in a stand-up routine in Luna Park, West Hollywood, California in January 1999. The term has come to be a broader vehicle for closing an argument or putting a speaker off balance. This use can be viewed on YouTube by searching for "Zach Galifanakis Luna Park 1999". The line occurs about about 5:31 into the routine.

From Zach Glifianakis' 1999 Luna Park, West Hollywood comedy routine:

"Why do I sit around Indian-style on my hardwood floor, yelling out to myself, 'You ain't got no pancake mix!'?"

by MrFrankBlack November 2, 2011

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been there, done that, got the T-shirt

To have experienced all aspects of an event, show, or "famous" thing, to the point of ennui.

- I hear there is another new rave club starting up downtown.

- Been there, done that, got the T-shirt - just not interested anymore.

by soloact November 4, 2010

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I got in a fight with a vacuum cleaner

a not so subtle way of saying that you have a hickey

-"what's that on your neck?"
-"I got in a fight with a vacuum cleaner"

by dudemeister421 April 24, 2010

You got a mouse in your pocket?

The alternative, "You and that mouse in our pocket," and " You and that invisible mouse in your pocket," is in reference to a speaker talking in the plural tense referring to themselves for a variety of reasons mostly to make them seem more important or that it involves others involuntarily. It is an attempt usually to pull others into a situation or to act as if other agree with them against their wishes or having spoken with said person/ people before hand.

This is not to be confused with a Pocket Mouse.

It also can be used to make someone seem as if there is more than that person. See fronting and bluffing.

Example 1:
Mouthy drunk in a parking lot shooting his mouth off: "We are going to kick your ASS!"
Man who is being mouthed off too: "We? We who? You got a mouse in your pocket?"

Example 2: Picture four mechanics on a break with work orders on the lunch table in front of them. Then in walks a service writer who immediately says "We need to get on that Transmission in bay six, PRONTO!" All of said mechanics have work already required of them making one of them ask, "We got to get on that truck in bay 6? Who is we? You and that invisible mouse in your pocket? We already have work orders assigned to us."

Example 3:
Eric: I hate that ginger bastard. Let's go kick his ass.
Stan: Who?
Kyle: Why?
Kenny: M mmm mmm mmm Mmm mm m Mmmmmmmm? Mmmm mmmmm mm mmm m mmmm. (TRANSLATED, You have a mouse in your pocket fat ass? I am not going to kick anyone's ass for you.)
Everyone laughs and Eric shouts:
I'm not fat, I'm Big Boned!"

Example 4:
Jerry Brown: "We need a High Speed Railroad in California. The People demand it."
Heckler: "You got an invisible mouse in your pocket? I don't need no high speed train to nowhere."

Example five:
Supervisor :"We really need to clean up this trash."
Workers: "We? Since when did you and that invisible mouse in your pocket do any of the work here?"

by Fractious1 May 22, 2018

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sb. ain't got shit on me

used to express that you are greater and better than somebody else.


used to say that somebody has no chance against you

King Kong ain't got shit on me!!!

by C-Webb August 9, 2004

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you got sharked!

it's the act of clowning on a friend by pretending to give him dabs, or pound, or any handshake, then suddenly takes it away & makes a sharks fin on the forehead. trust me, it is a lot funnier went you are drunk.

as i was leaving work, i was shaking hands with co-workers and then i saw this guy who just messes with me a lot. i put my hand out to shake his hand, i pulled back & said " you got sharked!" everybody just started laughing so much, but only a few people get the joke.

by flava b (bernie mac) November 21, 2008

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Smoke 'em if you got 'em

To tell someone that they have limited time to do something, or that someone needs to quickly finish up whatever they were already in the middle of. Usually said before something significant is about to happen that would make doing said thing more difficult to do later on.

Assumed to come from the military, with officers letting soldiers know that it was time to rest and indulge (e.g. smoking the cigarettes they earned/found) between movements. However, over time the term has somewhat evolved to imply preparedness and finality, as in "this may be the last time you can do this, so do it now".

Correct speech would be "smoke them if you've got them" which is usually cut down to "smoke 'em if you got 'em" or "smoke 'em if ya got 'em", depending on accent or how fast the phrase is being said.

"Hostiles incoming! Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!"
"Well, I'm the ride home, and I think it's time to go. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, and then I'm leaving - with or without you."
"Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. If at any point during the ride you become disoriented... there's nothing we can do about it. Now, have you removed all of your jewelry...? Are you allergic to shellfish...?" "JEEBS!" "RIGHT THEN! Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!"

by TheRobotMenace March 22, 2022

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