Its the extra money you pay someone back just to make up for them paying for you in the first place.
The tickets to the movie were $62.75 after hand tax I just gave him $70.
Ween hand is Frank Iero’s left hand , the ween hand is god ...all hail the WEEN HAND
“Yo did you see franks guitar pansy? I bow down to that thing ”
“Yeah man pansy’s rad , but have you seen ween hand ?! Ween hand is god”
When some one has dad hands, they tend to have large/wide hands, prominent knuckles, and long fingers. They basically cover your hand when hand-holding.
My partner has daddy hands not baby hands
Too much fake tan on your hands making you look like you dipped ur hand in curry
"Wow aisling has curry hands today not a surprise"
A portmanteau of the phrase ‘Hand Grenade’ + ‘Nuclear’ meant to describe a limited, tactical nuclear warhead. This phrase was first broadcast by Lt. General Mark Hurtling (Ret.) on October 6th, 2022
There is great fear of a nuclear conflict begun by Russia using a Hand Grenuke in an act desperation.
The hand you use for every day interaction. You should not sneeze into it because that is gross and spreads germs.
Gross, don't sneeze into your social hand, Eddie. Don't touch me ever again.
A college professor who has never had a job. Someone who went to school to learn something then stayed in school to teach it.
Generally petty losers who think they're better than everyone despite the fact that they have never participated in society.
That chalk hands gives us 8 hours of work a week for a 101-level online speech class.
Fuck that guy